TRUE COLOR - the beer made out of flowers

Introducing "True Color" beer - where every sip is a journey through a kaleidoscope of flavors and aromas, blending the boldness of beer with the delicate essence of flowers. My idea for the logo was to feature a captivating woman adorned in vibrant hues with her face veiled by a luscious silk scarf. This enigmatic figure embodies the essence of True Color - the idea that behind every facade lies a myriad of shades waiting to be revealed. The choice of green and orange for the logo of "True Color" beer isn't just arbitrary; it's a deliberate reflection of the myriad sensations and emotions the beer evokes.

Green represents the calm, serene essence of the floral notes infused within the beer. It embodies the tranquility of a peaceful garden, where delicate petals dance in the gentle breeze. On the other hand, orange symbolizes the vibrant, dynamic energy of the beer itself. It captures the boldness of the hops and barley, the zestiness that tingles your taste buds with each sip. Together, the harmonious blend of blue and orange in the logo mirrors the intricate balance of flavors and sensations found in True Color beer. Just like the woman on our logo, True Color encourages you to embrace your true self, to peel away the layers and uncover the vibrant hues that make you unique.


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